Week Two

Note:  You should be logged onto my Remind page.  That way you can get and send texts from and to me about assignments.  Here is the link to show you how to sign up:  Remind App

Note: You can submit all of each day's assignments on the same google doc.  Assignments are due by 9:00 a.m. the following day.  This counts as your attendance so be sure to submit it.

Weekly grade given on IXL, one hour per day = 5 hours per week = A  We get a full report so please make sure you do it. 

CNN10---Daily News Show.  We will watch it on days we have a zoom meeting.

Day One
Journal:  Have you ever tried to solve a mystery of some kind?  Tell about it.
Grammar: 253-254
  Do 255 exercise 8
Reading:  Finish Sherlock Holmes "The Red-Headed League" pp 96-116 and do questions #1-7 on page 116.
Watch Red-Headed League   This may help you with the plot details.
Do one hour of IXL  (should do Math all this block, grades 5 and up)  Your time spent and level will be reported weekly.
Read in Where the Red Fern Grows 53-78
Work on essay and submit Wednesday as a Google Doc. Essay is on describing a place.  You started working on it last week.   Submit all work to robert.morris@malad.us

Place Essay Rubric
1.     Title  (5 points)  ______
2.    Introductory Paragraph (5 points)_____
3.     Mechanics  (20 points) ______
4.       All Five Senses (15 points)_______
5.       Follows prompt (10 points)_______

Total   =   ______/55 points

Argumentative Essay Rubric
1.        Title/Heading (10 points)  __________
2.       Introductory Paragraph with Thesis Sentence (25 points)__________
3.       At least two citations, in-text and at end (20 points)______
4.       500 words (10 points)_______
5.       Five paragraphs (introduction, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion) 15 points ___________
6.       Supporting details (25 points) ___________
7.       Conclusion (15 points)____________
Total ________/120 points 

Day Two
Journal:  Your scariest experience.
Grammar: None
Read "There is a Longing"  p 170-171, Do 171#1-6
Watch Chief Dan George
Read in Red Fern Grows 78-95
Do one hour of IXL
Finish essay on place, due Wednesday

Day Three
Journal:  What would your ideal life be?
Grammar: End Marks and Commas
Do Diagnostic Test
Read 262-264
Do 265 #1-25
266 Read and do 266#1-10
Lit Book:  Old Man of the Temple pages 203-208, do 208# 1-6
One hour of IXL
Submit Place essay to robert.morris@malad.us
Begin essay--Persuasive Essay.  Persuade someone on one of the following issues, using facts and solid reasoning, and at least two cited sources:  banning violent video games, abortion (pro or con), capital punishment (pro or con).
Red Fern Grows 96-126

Day Four
Journal:  How has the shutdown affected your learning so far?
Grammar:  Commas that separate
Read 267-268
Do 268 #1-25
Do one hour on IXL
Week Two Test:  Commas, Red Fern, Red-Headed League, Chief Dan George, Old Man of Temple, etc.
Test on Google Docs
Lit Book:  Sonata for Harp and Bicycle pp 541-548, 548# 1-5
Reading on youtube Sonata for Harp and Bicycle.
Work on essay on Persuasion/Argumentative
Red Fern Grows pages 127-155

Work on your essay.  Make sure you quote and cite sources to avoid plagiarism.
 Here is the rubric:
Argumentative Essay Rubric
1.        Title/Heading (10 points)  __________
2.       Introductory Paragraph with Thesis Sentence (25 points)__________
3.       At least two citations, in-text and at end (20 points)______
4.       500 words (10 points)_______
5.       Five paragraphs (introduction, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion) 15 points ___________
6.       Supporting details (25 points) ___________
7.       Conclusion (15 points)____________

Total ________/120 points
